Source code for unyt.unit_registry

A registry for units that can be added to and modified.


import copy
import json
from functools import lru_cache
from hashlib import md5

from sympy import sympify

from unyt import dimensions as unyt_dims
from unyt._unit_lookup_table import default_unit_symbol_lut, unit_prefixes
from unyt.exceptions import SymbolNotFoundError, UnitParseError
from unyt.unit_systems import _split_prefix, mks_unit_system, unit_system_registry

def _sanitize_unit_system(unit_system, obj):
    if unit_system is None:
            unit_system = obj.units.registry.unit_system
        except AttributeError:
            unit_system = mks_unit_system
    if hasattr(unit_system, "name"):
        return unit_system_registry[]
    elif hasattr(unit_system, "unit_registry"):
        unit_system = unit_system.unit_registry.unit_system_id
    elif unit_system == "code":
        unit_system = obj.units.registry.unit_system_id
    return unit_system_registry[str(unit_system)]

[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False) def cached_sympify(u): """ Successive loads of unit systems produce the same calls to sympify in UnitRegistry.from_json. Even within a single load, this is a net improvement because there will often be a few cache hits """ return sympify(u, locals=vars(unyt_dims))
[docs] class UnitRegistry: """A registry for unit symbols""" _unit_system_id = None def __init__(self, add_default_symbols=True, lut=None, unit_system=None): self._unit_object_cache = {} if lut: self.lut = lut else: self.lut = {} self.unit_system = _sanitize_unit_system(unit_system, None) if add_default_symbols: self.lut.update(default_unit_symbol_lut) def __getitem__(self, key): try: ret = self.lut[str(key)] except KeyError: try: _lookup_unit_symbol(str(key), self.lut) ret = self.lut[str(key)] except UnitParseError: raise SymbolNotFoundError( f"The symbol '{key}' does not exist in this registry." ) return ret def __contains__(self, item): if str(item) in self.lut: return True try: _lookup_unit_symbol(str(item), self.lut) return True except UnitParseError: return False @property def unit_system_id(self): """ This is a unique identifier for the unit registry created from a FNV hash. It is needed to register a dataset's code unit system in the unit system registry. """ if self._unit_system_id is None: hash_data = bytearray() for k, v in sorted(self.lut.items()): hash_data.extend(k.encode("utf8")) hash_data.extend(repr(v).encode("utf8")) m = md5() m.update(hash_data) self._unit_system_id = str(m.hexdigest()) return self._unit_system_id @property def prefixable_units(self): return [u for u in self.lut if self.lut[u][4]]
[docs] def add( self, symbol, base_value, dimensions, tex_repr=None, offset=None, prefixable=False, ): """ Add a symbol to this registry. Parameters ---------- symbol : str The name of the unit base_value : float The scaling from the units value to the equivalent SI unit with the same dimensions dimensions : expr The dimensions of the unit tex_repr : str, optional The LaTeX representation of the unit. If not provided a LaTeX representation is automatically generated from the name of the unit. offset : float, optional If set, the zero-point offset to apply to the unit to convert to SI. This is mostly used for units like Farhenheit and Celcius that are not defined on an absolute scale. prefixable : bool If True, then SI-prefix versions of the unit will be created along with the unit itself. """ from unyt.unit_object import _validate_dimensions self._unit_system_id = None # Validate if not isinstance(base_value, float): raise UnitParseError( f"base_value ({base_value}) must be a float, got a {type(base_value)}." ) if offset is not None: if not isinstance(offset, float): raise UnitParseError( f"offset value ({offset}) must be a float, got a {type(offset)}." ) else: offset = 0.0 _validate_dimensions(dimensions) if tex_repr is None: # make educated guess that will look nice in most cases tex_repr = r"\rm{" + symbol.replace("_", r"\ ") + "}" # Add to lut self.lut[symbol] = (base_value, dimensions, offset, tex_repr, prefixable)
[docs] def remove(self, symbol): """ Remove the entry for the unit matching `symbol`. Parameters ---------- symbol : str The name of the unit symbol to remove from the registry. """ self._unit_system_id = None if symbol not in self.lut: raise SymbolNotFoundError( "Tried to remove the symbol '%s', but it does not exist " "in this registry." % symbol ) del self.lut[symbol] if symbol in self._unit_object_cache: del self._unit_object_cache[symbol]
[docs] def modify(self, symbol, base_value): """ Change the base value of a unit symbol. Useful for adjusting code units after parsing parameters. Parameters ---------- symbol : str The name of the symbol to modify base_value : float The new base_value for the symbol. """ self._unit_system_id = None if symbol not in self.lut: raise SymbolNotFoundError( "Tried to modify the symbol '%s', but it does not exist " "in this registry." % symbol ) if hasattr(base_value, "in_base"): new_dimensions = base_value.units.dimensions base_value = base_value.in_base("mks") base_value = base_value.value else: new_dimensions = self.lut[symbol][1] self.lut[symbol] = (float(base_value), new_dimensions) + self.lut[symbol][2:] if symbol in self._unit_object_cache: del self._unit_object_cache[symbol]
[docs] def keys(self): """ Print out the units contained in the lookup table. """ return self.lut.keys()
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns a json-serialized version of the unit registry """ sanitized_lut = {} for k, v in self.lut.items(): san_v = list(v) repr_dims = str(v[1]) san_v[1] = repr_dims sanitized_lut[k] = tuple(san_v) return json.dumps(sanitized_lut)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_text): """ Returns a UnitRegistry object from a json-serialized unit registry Parameters ---------- json_text : str A string containing a json represention of a UnitRegistry """ data = json.loads(json_text) lut = _correct_old_unit_registry(data, sympify=True) return cls(lut=lut, add_default_symbols=False)
[docs] def list_same_dimensions(self, unit_object): """ Return a list of base unit names that this registry knows about that are of equivalent dimensions to *unit_object*. """ equiv = [k for k, v in self.lut.items() if v[1] is unit_object.dimensions] equiv = sorted(set(equiv)) return equiv
def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None): lut = copy.deepcopy(self.lut) return type(self)(lut=lut)
class _NonModifiableUnitRegistry(UnitRegistry): """The class of the default unit registry""" def modify(self, symbol, base_value): raise TypeError("Units from unyt's default registry cannot be modified.") def remove(self, symbol): raise TypeError("Units from unyt's default registry cannot be removed.") #: The default unit registry default_unit_registry = _NonModifiableUnitRegistry() def _lookup_unit_symbol(symbol_str, unit_symbol_lut): """ Searches for the unit data tuple corresponding to the given symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol_str : str The unit symbol to look up. unit_symbol_lut : dict Dictionary with symbols as keys and unit data tuples as values. """ if symbol_str in unit_symbol_lut: # lookup successful, return the tuple directly return unit_symbol_lut[symbol_str] # could still be a known symbol with a prefix prefix, symbol_wo_prefix = _split_prefix(symbol_str, unit_symbol_lut) if prefix: # lookup successful, it's a symbol with a prefix unit_data = unit_symbol_lut[symbol_wo_prefix] prefix_value = unit_prefixes[prefix][0] # Need to add some special handling for comoving units # this is fine for now, but it wouldn't work for a general # unit that has an arbitrary LaTeX representation if symbol_wo_prefix != "cm" and symbol_wo_prefix.endswith("cm"): sub_symbol_wo_prefix = symbol_wo_prefix[:-2] sub_symbol_str = symbol_str[:-2] else: sub_symbol_wo_prefix = symbol_wo_prefix sub_symbol_str = symbol_str latex_repr = unit_data[3].replace( "{" + sub_symbol_wo_prefix + "}", "{" + sub_symbol_str + "}" ) # Leave offset and dimensions the same, but adjust scale factor and # LaTeX representation ret = ( unit_data[0] * prefix_value, unit_data[1], unit_data[2], latex_repr, False, ) unit_symbol_lut[symbol_str] = ret return ret # no dice raise UnitParseError( f"Could not find unit symbol '{symbol_str}' in the provided symbols." ) def _correct_old_unit_registry(data, sympify=False): lut = {} for k, v in data.items(): unsan_v = list(v) if sympify: unsan_v[1] = cached_sympify(v[1]) if len(unsan_v) == 4: # old unit registry so we need to add SI-prefixability to the registry # entry, correct the base_value to be in MKS units, and swap dimensions to # use unyt's dimension singletons # add SI-prefixability to LUT entry if k in default_unit_symbol_lut: unsan_v.append(default_unit_symbol_lut[k][4]) else: unsan_v.append(False) dims = unsan_v[1] for dim_factor in dims.as_ordered_factors(): dim, power = dim_factor.as_base_exp() # Swap dimensions in the LUT entry to use unyt's dimension singletons for base_dim in unyt_dims.base_dimensions: # If they're *equal* but not *identical*, swap them if base_dim == dim and base_dim is not dim: if power != 1: unsan_v[1] /= dim**power unsan_v[1] *= base_dim**power else: # need a special case for power == 1 because id(symbol ** 1) # is not necessarily the same as id(symbol) unsan_v[1] /= dim unsan_v[1] *= base_dim break # correct base value to be in MKS units if dim == unyt_dims.mass: unsan_v[0] /= 1000 ** float(power) if dim == unyt_dims.length: unsan_v[0] /= 100 ** float(power) lut[k] = tuple(unsan_v) for k in default_unit_symbol_lut: if k not in lut: lut[k] = default_unit_symbol_lut[k] return lut