Source code for unyt.equivalencies

Equivalencies between different kinds of units


from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from unyt.dimensions import (
from unyt.exceptions import InvalidUnitEquivalence

equivalence_registry = OrderedDict()

class _RegisteredEquivalence(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, b, d):
        type.__init__(cls, name, b, d)
        if hasattr(cls, "type_name"):
            equivalence_registry[cls.type_name] = cls

[docs] class Equivalence(metaclass=_RegisteredEquivalence): def __init__(self, in_place=False): self.in_place = in_place
[docs] def convert(self, x, new_dims, **kwargs): if x.units.dimensions in self._dims and new_dims in self._dims: return self._convert(x, new_dims, **kwargs) else: raise InvalidUnitEquivalence(self, x.units, new_dims)
def _get_out(self, x): if self.in_place: return x return None
[docs] class NumberDensityEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between mass and number density, given a mean molecular weight. Given a number density :math:`n`, the mass density :math:`\\rho` is: .. math:: \\rho = \\mu m_{\\rm H} n And similarly .. math:: n = \\rho (\\mu m_{\\rm H})^{-1} Parameters ---------- mu : float The mean molecular weight. Defaults to 0.6 whcih is valid for fully ionized gas with primordial composition. Example ------- >>> print(NumberDensityEquivalence()) number density: density <-> number density >>> from unyt import Msun, pc >>> rho = 3*Msun/pc**3 >>> rho.to_equivalent('cm**-3', 'number_density', mu=1.4) unyt_quantity(86.64869896, 'cm**(-3)') """ type_name = "number_density" _dims = (density, number_density) def _convert(self, x, new_dims, mu=0.6): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == number_density: return np.true_divide(x, mu *, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == density: return np.multiply(x, mu *, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "number density: density <-> number density"
[docs] class ThermalEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between temperature and energy via the Boltzmann constant Given a temperature :math:`T` in an absolute scale (e.g. Kelvin or Rankine), the equivalent thermal energy :math:`E` for that temperature is given by: .. math:: E = k_B T And .. math:: T = E/k_B Where :math:`k_B` is Boltzmann's constant. Example ------- >>> print(ThermalEquivalence()) thermal: temperature <-> energy >>> from unyt import Kelvin >>> temp = 1e6*Kelvin >>> temp.to_equivalent('keV', 'thermal') unyt_quantity(0.08617332, 'keV') """ type_name = "thermal" _dims = (temperature, energy) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == energy: return np.multiply(x, pc.kboltz, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == temperature: return np.true_divide(x, pc.kboltz, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "thermal: temperature <-> energy"
[docs] class MassEnergyEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between mass and energy in special relativity Given a body with mass :math:`m`, the self-energy :math:`E` of that mass is given by .. math:: E = m c^2 where :math:`c` is the speed of light. Example ------- >>> print(MassEnergyEquivalence()) mass_energy: mass <-> energy >>> from unyt import g >>> (3.5*g).to_equivalent('J', 'mass_energy') unyt_quantity(3.14564313e+14, 'J') """ type_name = "mass_energy" _dims = (mass, energy) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == energy: return np.multiply(x, pc.clight * pc.clight, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == mass: return np.true_divide(x, pc.clight * pc.clight, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "mass_energy: mass <-> energy"
[docs] class SpectralEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between wavelength, frequency, and energy of a photon. Given a photon with wavelength :math:`\\lambda`, spatial frequency :math:`\\bar\\nu`, frequency :math:`\\nu` and Energy :math:`E`, these quantities are related by the following forumlae: .. math:: E = h \\nu = h c / \\lambda = h c \\bar\\nu where :math:`h` is Planck's constant and :math:`c` is the speed of light. Example ------ >>> print(SpectralEquivalence()) spectral: length <-> spatial_frequency <-> frequency <-> energy >>> from unyt import angstrom, km >>> (3*angstrom).to_equivalent('keV', 'spectral') unyt_quantity(4.13280644, 'keV') >>> (1*km).to_equivalent('MHz', 'spectral') unyt_quantity(0.29979246, 'MHz') """ type_name = "spectral" _dims = (length, rate, energy, spatial_frequency) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == energy: if x.units.dimensions == length: return np.true_divide(pc.clight * pc.h_mks, x, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == rate: return np.multiply(x, pc.h_mks, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == spatial_frequency: return np.multiply(x, pc.h_mks * pc.clight, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == length: if x.units.dimensions == rate: return np.true_divide(pc.clight, x, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == energy: return np.true_divide(pc.h_mks * pc.clight, x, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == spatial_frequency: return np.true_divide(1, x, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == rate: if x.units.dimensions == length: return np.true_divide(pc.clight, x, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == energy: return np.true_divide(x, pc.h_mks, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == spatial_frequency: return np.multiply(x, pc.clight, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == spatial_frequency: if x.units.dimensions == length: return np.true_divide(1, x, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == energy: return np.true_divide(x, pc.clight * pc.h_mks, out=self._get_out(x)) elif x.units.dimensions == rate: return np.true_divide(x, pc.clight, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "spectral: length <-> spatial_frequency <-> frequency " + "<-> energy"
[docs] class SoundSpeedEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between the sound speed, temperature, and thermal energy of an ideal gas For an ideal gas with sound speed :math:`c_s`, temperature :math:`T`, and thermal energy :math:`E`, the following equalities will hold: .. math:: c_s = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\gamma k_B T}{\\mu m_{\\rm H}}} and .. math:: E = c_s^2 \\mu m_{\\rm H} / \\gamma = k_B T where :math:`k_B` is Boltzmann's constant, :math:`\\mu` is the mean molecular weight of the gas, and :math:`\\gamma` is the ratio of specific heats. Parameters ---------- gamma : float The ratio of specific heats. Defaults to 5/3, which is correct for monatomic species. mu : float The mean molecular weight. Defaults to 0.6, which is valid for fully ionized gas with primordial composition. Example ------- >>> print(SoundSpeedEquivalence()) sound_speed (ideal gas): velocity <-> temperature <-> energy >>> from unyt import Kelvin, km, s >>> hot = 1e6*Kelvin >>> hot.to_equivalent('km/s', 'sound_speed') unyt_quantity(151.37249927, 'km/s') >>> hot.to_equivalent('keV', 'sound_speed') unyt_quantity(0.08617332, 'keV') >>> cs = 100*km/s >>> cs.to_equivalent('K', 'sound_speed') unyt_quantity(436421.39881617, 'K') >>> cs.to_equivalent('keV', 'sound_speed') unyt_quantity(0.03760788, 'keV') """ type_name = "sound_speed" _dims = (velocity, temperature, energy) def _convert(self, x, new_dims, mu=0.6, gamma=5.0 / 3.0): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == velocity: if x.units.dimensions == temperature: v2 = np.multiply( pc.kboltz * gamma / (mu *, x, out=self._get_out(x) ) elif x.units.dimensions == energy: v2 = np.multiply(gamma / (mu *, x, out=self._get_out(x)) return np.sqrt(v2, out=self._get_out(x)) elif new_dims == temperature: if x.units.dimensions == velocity: v2 = np.multiply(x, x, out=self._get_out(x)) kT = np.multiply(v2, mu * / gamma, out=self._get_out(x)) return np.true_divide(kT, pc.kboltz, out=self._get_out(x)) else: return np.true_divide(x, pc.kboltz, out=self._get_out(x)) else: if x.units.dimensions == velocity: v2 = np.multiply(x, x, out=self._get_out(x)) return np.multiply(mu * / gamma, v2, out=self._get_out(x)) else: return np.multiply(x, pc.kboltz, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "sound_speed (ideal gas): velocity <-> temperature <-> energy"
[docs] class LorentzEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between velocity and the Lorentz gamma factor. For a body with velocity :math:`v`, the Lorentz gamma factor, :math:`\\gamma` is .. math:: \\gamma = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}} and similarly .. math:: v = \\frac{c}{\\sqrt{1 - \\gamma^2}} where :math:`c` is the speed of light. Example ------- >>> print(LorentzEquivalence()) lorentz: velocity <-> dimensionless >>> from unyt import c, dimensionless >>> v = 0.99*c >>> print(v.to_equivalent('', 'lorentz')) 7.088812050083393 dimensionless >>> fast = 99.9*dimensionless >>> fast.to_equivalent('c', 'lorentz') unyt_quantity(0.9999499, 'c') >>> fast.to_equivalent('km/s', 'lorentz') unyt_quantity(299777.43797656, 'km/s') """ type_name = "lorentz" _dims = (dimensionless, velocity) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == dimensionless: beta = np.true_divide(x, pc.clight, out=self._get_out(x)) beta2 = np.multiply(beta, beta, out=self._get_out(x)) inv_gamma_2 = np.subtract(1, beta2, out=self._get_out(x)) inv_gamma = np.sqrt(inv_gamma_2, out=self._get_out(x)) gamma = np.true_divide(1.0, inv_gamma, out=self._get_out(x)) return gamma elif new_dims == velocity: gamma2 = np.multiply(x, x, out=self._get_out(x)) inv_gamma_2 = np.true_divide(1, gamma2, out=self._get_out(x)) beta2 = np.subtract(1, inv_gamma_2, out=self._get_out(x)) beta = np.sqrt(beta2, out=self._get_out(x)) return np.multiply(pc.clight, beta, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "lorentz: velocity <-> dimensionless"
[docs] class SchwarzschildEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between the mass and radius of a Schwarzschild black hole A Schwarzschild black hole of mass :math:`M` has radius :math:`R` .. math:: R = \\frac{2 G M}{c^2} and similarly .. math:: M = \\frac{R c^2}{2 G} where :math:`G` is Newton's gravitational constant and :math:`c` is the speed of light. Example ------- >>> print(SchwarzschildEquivalence()) schwarzschild: mass <-> length >>> from unyt import Msun, AU >>> (10*Msun).to_equivalent('km', 'schwarzschild') unyt_quantity(29.53161626, 'km') >>> (1*AU).to_equivalent('Msun', 'schwarzschild') unyt_quantity(50656851.7815179, 'Msun') """ type_name = "schwarzschild" _dims = (mass, length) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == length: return np.multiply( 2.0 * pc.G / (pc.clight * pc.clight), x, out=self._get_out(x) ) elif new_dims == mass: return np.multiply( 0.5 * pc.clight * pc.clight / pc.G, x, out=self._get_out(x) ) def __str__(self): return "schwarzschild: mass <-> length"
[docs] class ComptonEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between the Compton wavelength of a particle and its mass. .. math:: \\lambda_c = h/mc Example ------- >>> print(ComptonEquivalence()) compton: mass <-> length >>> from unyt import me, fm >>> me.to_equivalent('angstrom', 'compton') unyt_quantity(0.0242631, 'Å') >>> (10*fm).to_equivalent('me', 'compton') unyt_quantity(242.63102371, 'me') """ type_name = "compton" _dims = (mass, length) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc return np.true_divide(pc.h_mks / pc.clight, x, out=self._get_out(x)) def __str__(self): return "compton: mass <-> length"
[docs] class EffectiveTemperatureEquivalence(Equivalence): """Equivalence between the emmitted flux accross all wavelengths and temperature of a blackbody For a blackbody emitter with Temperature :math:`T` emitting radiation with a flux :math:`F`, the following equality holds: .. math:: F = \\sigma T^4 where :math:`\\sigma` is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Example ------- >>> print(EffectiveTemperatureEquivalence()) effective_temperature: flux <-> temperature >>> from unyt import K, W, m >>> (5000.*K).to_equivalent('W/m**2', 'effective_temperature') unyt_quantity(35439831.25, 'W/m**2') >>> (100.*W/m**2).to_equivalent('K', 'effective_temperature') unyt_quantity(204.92601414, 'K') """ type_name = "effective_temperature" _dims = (flux, temperature) def _convert(self, x, new_dims): from unyt import physical_constants as pc if new_dims == flux: x4 = np.power(x, 4, out=self._get_out(x)) return np.multiply( pc.stefan_boltzmann_constant_mks, x4, out=self._get_out(x) ) elif new_dims == temperature: T4 = np.true_divide( x, pc.stefan_boltzmann_constant_mks, out=self._get_out(x) ) ret = np.power(T4, 0.25, out=self._get_out(x)) return ret def __str__(self): return "effective_temperature: flux <-> temperature"