Source code for unyt.testing

Utilities for writing tests


import warnings

from unyt.array import NULL_UNIT, allclose_units

[docs] def assert_allclose_units(actual, desired, rtol=1e-7, atol=0, **kwargs): """Raise an error if two objects are not equal up to desired tolerance This is a wrapper for :func:`numpy.testing.assert_allclose` that also verifies unit consistency Parameters ---------- actual : array-like Array obtained (possibly with attached units) desired : array-like Array to compare with (possibly with attached units) rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance, defaults to 1e-7 atol : float or quantity, optional Absolute tolerance. If units are attached, they must be consistent with the units of ``actual`` and ``desired``. If no units are attached, assumes the same units as ``desired``. Defaults to zero. See Also -------- :func:`unyt.array.allclose_units` Notes ----- Also accepts additional keyword arguments accepted by :func:`numpy.testing.assert_allclose`, see the documentation of that function for details. Examples -------- >>> import unyt as u >>> actual = [1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-1]*u.m >>> desired ="cm") >>> assert_allclose_units(actual, desired) """ if not allclose_units(actual, desired, rtol, atol, **kwargs): raise AssertionError
[docs] def assert_array_equal_units(x, y, **kwargs): """A thin wrapper around :func:`numpy.testing.assert_array_equal` that also verifies unit consistency Arrays without units are considered dimensionless. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The actual object to check. y : array_like The desired, expected object. See Also -------- :func:`numpy.testing.assert_array_equal` Notes ----- Also accepts additional keyword arguments accepted by :func:`numpy.testing.assert_array_equel`, see the documentation of that function for details. """ # see from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal assert_array_equal(x, y, **kwargs) assert getattr(x, "units", NULL_UNIT) == getattr(y, "units", NULL_UNIT)
def _process_warning(op, message, warning_class, args=(), kwargs=None): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") op(*args, **kwargs) assert len(w) == 1 assert issubclass(w[0].category, warning_class) assert str(w[0].message) == message